...Supported by an amazing group of staff and volunteers
We are a family run buisness

Fiona has owned and worked with horses most of her life.
She is a natural horseman who has a deep understanding of horses and how they think! Fiona is a level 2 coach and equine assisted facilitator.
Feel free to ask Fiona more about the horses or how to develop your horsemanship skills, especially on the ground.
Chris is a senior coach. He is an enthusiatic teacher and natural horseman who has a talent for helping riders understand what they need to do to improve.
He is passionate about his horses and this comes across in lessons.
Chris thrives on learning and passes this onto his clients.

Chloe has a passion for horses and shares this with everyone she works with.
She is an excellent horsewoman and enjoys the technical side of riding. she is our coach liaison and training manager.
Chloe has a clear, yet fun, approach to her teaching and wants everyone to improve whilst having fun.
Colin is relatively new to horses although they clearly know who he is!
Colin works in the background overseeing the maintenance and finances although he is around at weekends providing support to everyone.

Alex is also a member of the family although works as a stud manager in Australia.
He is an exceptional horseman and supports us with ideas and insight. It is useful to have someone with a different perspective on the business.
We have a dedicated team of staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to enable us to run Kingsmead. We have a senior team on the yard along with a our regular stable staff and a small number of apprentices. We also have a group of volunteers who help both during the week and at weekends

Centre Manager
Site Manager
Our Horse Care Team work closely with the horses, grooming, feeding, tacking up and keeping our horses healthy and happy.

Horse Care Manager
Client Services Manager
Our Yard Team work hard to keep our yard looking the best it can. They muck out, sweep, and conduct any necessary maintenance work.
We also have a team working with us to ensure the horses are fit and well, including our vet, farrier, equine dentist, chiropractor, reiki master & osteopath