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Managing re-opening after Covid-19

Help through Covid-19

We are working closely with our governing bodies to ensure your safety and that of the staff and with this this in mind, as we have come to expect any plans may be subject to change.


Fiona and her team have been working tirelessly to keep pushing forward whilst keeping safe.  Below we have chronicled some of our key areas of progress.

In 2020 we were forced to close in March and were allowed to reopen from June, gradually resuming most of our activities by October 2020.  Unfortunately we were then forced to close again in November and again in January 2021


We will reopened from the latest lockdown on the 29th March 2021

From May we will relaunch our Pony Club for kids and Saddle Clubs for adults and in July / August we will run two socially distanced (non-residential) camps.

From September 2021- we hope to have fully established our new normal!

We are encouraging all riders to book and pay online, the new system is proving very helpful although we still have the odd teething problem - please call if you are having any problems.

In the meantime please take a moment to watch our video which will outlines the measures being put in place for your safety.


Lockdown Fundraising

As with so many other businesses Kingsmead was severely affected by the Covid-19 lockdown. For three months the family cared for all of the horses until they were able to welcome you back. During this time we estimated that the herd costs £200 per day to feed and care for.   The second and third lockdown were harder as the horses need more care in the winter.


Many of our kind friends and supporters offered help without which we do not know how we would have survived.


Every penny we raised went towards helping care and feed for the horses.  The support during these difficult days was amazing and each and everyone of you who helped (whether financially, with gifts or messages of love and support) have played an important role in getting us this far.

Enormous thanks 

The Kingsmead Horses

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